Geared up in an all-in-one waterproof and goggles before taking a trip to the docking area in a sea rib at 35mph! Where the fishing trawlers “Granite” and “Ramone” were based. We were met by the owner of the “Ramone” before touring the trawler.
Controls are very stringent for the catch and amazingly fish is processed and frozen on board usually within 4 hours of being caught. The processing deck was immaculate, I imagine it wouldn’t be easy work in rough seas.
By Midnight the days catch figures are sent online to the Norwegian export. On a daily basis trawlers are boarded to check that the fish in the hold is equal to the log books. Controls are extremely strict, and fines equate to the confiscation of catch, in the recent case of a Spanish vessel, that equated to £20m loss! Not something to be taken lightly.